Children are a beautiful gift from God. Indeed everyone in this universe would love to become a parent and have a happy family. These days due to change in food habits and technology healthy pregnancy is becoming complex.... Here are a few tips which could help you to have  a  safe and sound baby who would  be a great doctor of tomorrow.....

1. Consume fruits and vegetables

     Before going for a pregnancy consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the level of vitamins and minerals which in turn  helps to avoid misscarraige or abortions.

2. Don't  skip meals                                                       

    Many  women working or at home skip meals regularly this leads to ulcers. The digestive system gets affected if we eat meals at improper time.

3. Addition of prenatal vitamins

   We need to add iron and folic acid tablets  everyday. Iron helps in keeping your body strong. Folic acid protects the baby from any birth defects.

4. Regular exercise

    Yoga and exercise help keep your body strong and helps in maintaining the  body mass index.

5. Keep track of your hb levels

   It's a must to know ur haemoglobin counts so as to prevent anaemia and other disorders.

6.  Drink more fluids

     Fluid Consumption keeps ur over all bowel movement under control. This will avoid constipation and dehydration.

7.  Avoid alcohol and caffeine

     Its  a must to stop the intake of alcohol and caffeine as it causes foetal abnormalities and miscarriages.

These would  act as  a guide for those who are intending for a baby soon...

Must read - Pregnancy Tips


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