CORONA VIRUS the disease that outspoken these days as it been taking up the lives of millions of people. There are no symptoms in particular for this disease but for safety and security we can follow a few steps to avoid  it they are :

1. Use handwashes

    Wash your hands thoroughly as this helps in keeping viruses, dirt, infection, and impurity away from you.

2. Avoid crowded areas

    It's advisable not to go to bazaars, market places as crowded areas easily help transfer the virus through sneezing, touching, shaking of hands, cough, and cold.

3. Distance urself from Street foods

    Roadside restaurants do not follow proper hygiene as they tend to reuse the same glasses and plates for all, dirty water for washing, keep the food items open so this could also act as a mode of transformation.

4. Usage of masks

    It is a must to cover your nose and mouth using masks so as to protect your respiratory system from getting infected in case anyone sneezes or coughs right in front of you.

5. Seek medical advice for prolonged fever

   If you have fever, cough, cold, headaches, breathlessness for a prolonged time it is advisable to meet the physician for a check-up and blood tests.

6. Keep your washrooms clean

    Flush out the bathrooms neatly before using it. Use antiseptics like Dettol, phenyl in toilets to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.

7. Avoid sharing of products

   It is a must to avoid using soaps, razors, towels, bedsheets, combs, etc in common as these may easily transfer the bacteria from an infected person to a normal one.

8. Use sanitizers frequently

   It's not possible to avoid physical contact like handshakes when in the workspace so to avoid the spread of virus we need to keep sanitizers and use them when necessary.

9. Consume herbal drinks (kashayam)

   The consumption of herbal drinks like nilavembu kashayam helps to increase the white blood cells which act as immunity and fight against the foreign particles entering your body.

10. Maintain personal hygiene

   Every disease occurrence depends upon us. We need to take bath regularly,  brush our teeth, etc to protect us from diseases.

   Do keep all of them in mind to protect urself and your family from the deadly disease... CORONA.....

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