Preschoolers are children who go to school for the first time.. They have no idea about the dangers in and around them... We as parents should educate our children on safety habits to be followed in our absence... 

Here are a few most important habits that we should teach the young generation of tomorrow...

Q1)  In case your child slept in a school bus and the driver forgets to wake her/him up and leaves the bus locked what should your child do? 

 A1) You should teach your child to press the horn button to gain the attention of the outsiders to save them. 

Q2) If a stranger gives your child chocolate picks them up for kidnapping, what should they do? 

A2) They should not talk or take anything given by strangers. If they are picked up they should scream or hit the kidnapper on his private region and run away. 

Q3) If your child is hurt and bleeding when in school would should they do? 

A3) They should gain assistance from the class teacher who will guide them to the medical room. 

Q4) If your child is lost in a crowded area what should they do? 

A4) They should always be thought their parent's mobile number and address so that they can seek help from anyone near them. 

Q5) If the school bus is moving and their stop arrives what should they do? 

A5) They should wait for the bus to stop and if they try to get down from a moving bus they may fall off and get hurt. 

Whenever to teach habits to keep in mind that we should always tell them what will happen if they don't follow it so that they try to understand the seriousness of the situation...

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